High Performance Habit : Summery


In old ages, success was relatively easy. It was easy and comfortable to reach the top. But real success in the modern age needs more than just hard work and persistence. It is not easy, comfortable, convenient, or automatic. In the path of success, difficulties, problems, uncertainties, discomfort, risks, and failures are inevitable.

Some significant habits are required to perform persistently to fulfill your dreams. "Brendon Burchard" artistically demonstrated six habits for high performance in his book “High Performance Habits”. Six habits, with examples and practical steps, can transform your life completely.

Habit No 1: Seek Clarity

To thrive towards success, you have to be clear about

  • Who you are?
  • What you want?
  • How to get what you want?
  • And what you found meaningful and fulfilling?

Clarity can be generated through questions, research, trying new things, acquiring life’s opportunities, making decisions, and during difficult situations.

“Clarity is the child of careful thought and mindful experiment”

You have to get clarity in three areas of your life; self, social skills, and service. With clarity, you get the real meaning of your life.

Enthusiasm + Connection + Satisfaction + Coherence = Meaning

Habit No 2: Generate Energy

It is believed by all the successful people in their respective fields that one can generate joy, motivation, love, and excitement on demand at any time one wants. In the same way, energy can be generated on will.

Energy is very critical to high performance. Tension, sadness, and anxiety are enemies of energy. If you face these problems, use the release technique

  • Close your eyes for a minute or two
  • Repeat the word release in your mind again and again
  • While doing this, command your body to release the tension and get relaxed
  • Now set the intention to become released for all the negative thoughts from your brain
“You are in charge of your enduring emotional experience”

Habit No 3: Raise Necessity

To acquire real success in any field of life you have to think like high performers. They think that they have no other choice than getting success. They have only one choice and that is 'must'.

On daily basis ask yourself few questions about your performance

  • Did I perform with excellence today?
  • Did I live upon my values?
  • Did I live up to expectations for doing a good job?
  • Did I live happily and enjoy my work?
  • Did I give enough time to my family?

“Sometimes the fastest way to get back in the game is to expect something from yourself again”

You are only as strong and extraordinary as you give yourself a reason to be. So, determine your ‘must’. Make them real by continuous effort. Feel the must and show it to the world by actions and results.

Habit No 4: Increase Productivity

The basic needs of becoming productive are

  • Setting goals
  • Maintaining energy
  • Maintaining focus
  • Doing again and again

Select at least ten categories of your life and set weekly or monthly goals for each. This way you can not only stay focused but also maintain energy and remain motivated.

The goals should be coherent in every field with your big goal. These should not contradict.

“When you start making, a lot of things happen with no unifying trajectory, you begin losing your power”

Life is short. Don’t waste your time doing something that is not according to your goals. Stay 100% focused on your main thing. Do things this way and you will feel proud of yourself.

Habit No 5: Develop Influence

You can get to the top of your field when you not only do it for yourself but for others also. Influencing others to perform well is the best way of doing something for people around you. Be a difference-maker.

Make difference by teaching people how to think like a winner. To influence the thinking of people ask yourself the questions when you interact with them

  1. How do you I want them to think about themselves?
  2. How do I want them to think about others?
  3. How do I want them to think about the world at large?

Make a difference by challenging people to grow. Challenge their character; honesty, integrity, responsibility, self-control, patience, and hard work. Challenge their relationship with others; parents, spouse, kids, colleagues, associates, and common people. Challenge their contributions to society, family, and co-workers.

In short, become a role model for the people around you. Be a person whom people look upon and learn something to improve your life.

Habit No 6: Demonstrate Courage

Develop a habit of showing courage physically, morally, psychologically in every field of life.

“The important thing is that you define what being more courageous mean to you, and start living that way.”

The main action you take in showing courage in different situations the easier and less stressful the actions become. When you face new challenges, difficult situations, and failures with courage you learn new things and new skills. Nest time when you have to deal with these types of situations, these will not bother you.

Never in your life, absolutely never, fear to do something new. Develop the courage of facing the embarrassment of failing. Don’t be afraid when people call you stupid. Show courage and success will soon be on your way.

Avoid Traps

To get to the top is easier than to stay at the top. There are some traps that will cause a rapid fall in your success.

The first one is the trap of thinking about your superiority. You start thinking that you are better than everyone. You think that you don’t need feedback, guidance, or support. You think that people don’t understand you. Stay aware of these types of traps. Stay humble and open even as you get better at what you do.

The second trap is dissatisfaction. Those who are never satisfied is never at peace.

“Don’t just hope to arrive somewhere someday and finally feel satisfied”

Try to accept the situation and take pleasure in what the result is. Then try to thank you for doing better.

The last trap is the negligence of important things when you are on the top. You can’t neglect your health, family, team, responsibilities real passion, and dream. Keep reviewing your actions at least once a week which will indicate whether you are neglecting necessary things or not.


Real success is achievable to anyone. He has to develop few habits and keep practicing these for a long period of time.

  1. Seek Clarity of what you want to do and how you will get there.
  2. Generate physical and mental energy to do things that are necessary to achieve the goals
  3. Raise necessity for performing exceptionally
  4. Increase productivity in the work of your interest
  5. Develop a habit of influencing people around you to perform at their best
  6. Demonstrate courage in every field of life by sharing ideas, taking bold actions and standing up for your decisions.
  7. And finally, avoid traps that can put you down rapidly when you are at the top.

Live a happy, successful, adventurous, and satisfying life.

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Are you ready to change your life? When will you start performing at your best?


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