You Get What You Expect

 From the book “The Power of Positive Thinking for Young People” written by "Norman Vincent Peale"

It is well known to successful people that faith power works wonders. Develop a belief about something and you will surely get that. Faith will release a magnetic force in your mind which by the law of attraction, attracts the best of you.

When you have a firm belief, you can move mountains. After believing, throw your heart into your dream.

People are defeated in life, not because of a lack of ability.

They are defeated by a lack of whole-heartedness.

Give your full strength in getting what you want.

The body will then follow the heart.

Eventually, success will be at your door.

If you expect the worst, you get the worst.

If you expect the best, you get the best.

If you expect failure, you get failure.

If you expect success, you get success.

If you think wrong, things will go wrong.

If you think right, things will go right.

Take the best in your mind, then

  • Nurture it
  • Concentrate on it
  • Visualize it
  • Prayerise it
  • Surround it with faith
  • Make it your obsession
  • Expect the best and God will help you to get the best

If God be with us, who can be against us?

So, here is the magic formula

  • Train your mind to believe
  • Train your mind to think positively
  • Train your mind to have faith in God
  • Train your mind to have faith in yourself
  • Throw your heart to the actions
  • Throw your body into the actions
  • And you will get your Big Dream
So always say to your subconscious mind, "I expect the best and with God's help I will attain the best"

Get ready for the best. It is time for the change.

Let's begin folks...


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