Something is not good with today’s kid. Their ability to focus, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills are declining. With current situations, there is a prediction by many experts that we are producing a future generation unable to solve simple problems of life. All these are caused by the overuse of screens. They use it at home and now many schools are introducing screens in the classrooms. The screen technology is making our kids dumber.
Here are some eye-opening lines from the book
It seemed obvious that students weren’t benefiting from the technology in their lives. Rather, they were quickly transforming into technology addicts
Technology is no longer just an important part of your people’s lives. Technology has become their lives
Giving your child a tablet sure makes him quiet, and quiet is nice
Downtime is necessary for the human brain; wonder is what results in human advancement, and boredom results in creativity
You like to watch people playing games, be it football, cricket, or other sports. We like to watch people playing video games. It’s the same thing
Kids today are being controlled by smartphones and becoming enslaved by them
There are many negative effects associated with technology addiction, most notably increased depression, anxiety, withdrawal, diminished focus, and diminished cognitive function
stereotypes of digital natives stuck in their parents’ basement glued to their
screens rather than getting a job, is becoming more of a reality
Social media doesn’t enhance today’s kids’ existing social interactions because they lack the skills and knowledge that are supposedly being enhances
maybe worse for kids and their brains, but they are easier for moms and dads
iPad is her only babysitter
A journalist asked Steve Jobs how his kids liked the new iPad, he replied, “They
haven’t used it. We limit how much technology our kids use at home”
Technology advocates simply repeat their illogical conclusions until everyone accepts them as truth
knows more about their users than their users’ own mothers
The best model for education in the modern age
1. Deliver
instruction in the simplest possible manner
2. Focus
instruction on what students are able to do
3. Foster face-to-face human interaction and opportunities for community building
studies show that when you read a text on paper your understanding is deeper
and longer-lasting than if you read that same text on a computer
After every few days, try to turn off all the technologies for one a day and enjoy doing something else; a walk in the woods, to a beach, to a hill. Enjoy a complete screen detox. Live a real life. Wake out from technology hibernation.
Excellent job 👍